Juan Carlos Cruz Osorio (*1976) lives and works in Miami. Since graduating with an Elementary Level in Fine Arts from the Holguin School of Art in Cuba, 1991 his medium has been the painting and drawing. But he had a big absence until 2013 when he began to accept commissioned painting jobs until 2015 when he decided to emigrate to Ecuador and once there, again he began little by little to venture into the world of art. In 2016 he again decided to emigrate to the United States where he currently reside. His highest academic level is Mechanical Engineering, a career he studied in Cuba from 2004 to 2010.
Juan Carlos Cruz Osorio was born and raised in Holguin, Cuba where a purely cultural and tropical environment served as inspiration to start taking the first steps in the artistic world and his tendency toward Mythology and Contemporary Art. Juan has been exploring this meeting of cultures in his work through the brush and canvas of an inclusive strategy and theory derived from surrealist art.
Juan’s work has only the opportunity to participate in an Expo sale in Quito, Ecuador in 2015 and a few years later in a single exhibition at the Alliance for the Art in Fort Myers, Florida in 2019. Currently he is studying the Master of Fine Arts program at the Miami International University of Art and Design and working in a project about Mythology in the 21st Century, so far with a series of paintings in which he has the idea of also including some drawings, print makings and sculptures before finish this program.